
get in touch

That's me, André. Snap-shooter, amateur photographer or however you would like to call it. I am not sure how to describe this passion myself. But definitely very much into everything around shooting, learning new techniques and to get into the world of photography and its related equipment.


Originally from Saxony (East Germany) I have found my home in Kraków/ Poland since 2013. The city, its people and events is really what fascinates and keeps me here. It's the perfect home base for any sort of photography excursion. Always looking forward to comeback home after traveling.

You have to  get something off your chest?  You want to share feedback, critique or a laud? Feel free to contact me. Furthermore I am always looking forward to get to know new places, fancy events or interesting faces in and around Kraków/ Malopolska. 


Since my portrait skills are still a matter of improvement I am looking for volunteers for a shooting. Please use or the below form if you are interested. 

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.